"A man is like a cat; chase him and he will run - sit still and ignore him and he'll come purring at your feet." -Helen Rowland
I know someone really digs me if they can tune me out. In this time of instant comments and closed windows, I give thanks for people who are willing to wash the webs off their hands in the stream of my consciousness. The following is a conversation between myself and a close relative. I'd tell you who, but she just started a job as a smart cookie at the Canadian Department of Defense, in our capitol, Canada City. Here is a piece of our exchange:
Me: Where do you work again, the MOD? Relly: DND Me: I used to play DND Me: I had so many dice Me: and figurines Relly: I mean someone has to defend this nation. Me: Just level up and roll for an invincibility spell Relly: It's soooooo snowy here
"Most people ignore most poetry because most poetry ignores most people." -Adrian Mitchell
MOD Matronly Occupant Defeated
Man Overboard, Darren!
Moving Ounces Daily
MOD stands for many things. If we at Grilling It have stood for anything it is to love. This blog began because there was so much good music to share. As we march toward the 400th post and ineveitable re-branding, it must be yelled: If you've been featured, love from this office. If you were up here, we love you. Except Lily Allen. I think we posted her song with the Professor Longhair sample, but she was churlish in the interview, and kept butting her cigarettes on fancy hotel carpet.
The sun is melting people's hoods off right now.
Like it's proud we got ready for this winter.
Y'all malcontents better BUNDLE UP.
Firebrands find barrels.
Put your hands together.
For now, the ray ban is lifted, and the city is strollable.
At grilling it, our primary occupation is heat.
We love all of you.
"It is true that a fellow cannot ignore women - but he can think of them as he ought - as sisters, not as sparring partners." -Jim Elliot
The editorial staff of Grilling It has come to a decision regarding this blog's future. We will keep blogging from this space until we hit a total of 400 posts.
In the new year the blog will take new forms, names, locations (still internet based,) and naps. This period of posts up to 400 will hopefully be the lapping at the cup of victory. We hope to remind us all of why this kooky little music weblog ever seemed like a good use of time.
A man in his mid-twenties once took a break from editing skateboard videos, looked out across the city of London and decreed: "these blogs are neat, let's make one."
They still are. We still do. Music now.
Grilling It
PS: We heartily support the Occupy Movement. Currently we watch for the flames from our sky-high midtown Toronto offices, as Mayor Rob Ford's case against the people is finally furthered by the City Crews and Toronto Police Squads. Will they be removed? Will there be a riot? Will innocent people be arrested? How long will it be before Toronto's millions of resident's can get back to enjoying the glorified dog toilet that we call St. James Park?
Stay tuned.
"They are racists and hate mongers among us-they are the Ku Klux Klan. I piss down the throats of these Nazis. And I am too old to worry about whether they like it or not. Fuck them." -Hunter Stockton Thompson (2003)