Thursday, March 04, 2010

Shit With The Guru

Guru is not okay.

In fact, the situation is very far from okay. Watch this video by Guru's nephew Justin for the real story.

I knew something was up with this cat Solar when I saw Guru perform at The Jazz Cafe in London.

a) Dude cut Primo beats off with the gunshot sound effect
b) He called Primo a "faggot"
c) Guru came up to see fans and even humour a geeked out Canadian dude who wanted to talk about if he would ever patch things up with Premier, but Solar went backstage.

Stay there.


Woah, I posted this, cracked a beer and pressed play on the ipod...this played...


1 comment:

lifted ungifted rewinds to reverse you said...

woah, . . . wtf. last i saw this guy in like '07 he was doing hand-clap push-ups on stage an hour into his set. heart attack? damn.