Thursday, December 07, 2006

Cubicle Dwellers Find Reason To Go On
(Not on a rampage, but to perservere, sustain and hold strong (will wise, not your boss by the neck wise) )

Wilco - Hell Is Chrome

When Christ came again he came as stationary. But seriously useful stationary, who's blood will apparently make you want to write poems and kiss previously platonic girlfriends. I'd like a little less Holy Eucharist and a little more Bob Ueckerist.

Drunk Commentary That Makes A Great Ringtone or Wedding Gift Ringtone

Perhaps the Bob Uecker references are "Juuuuust a bit inside"

For all the office heads in Xmas decoration, party and secret Santa Pergatory:


Wilco have been getting me through some days, and this has been my 6am party banger:

Wilco - Why Would You Wanna Live?

Get back to work.



PS: Jesus and Liam in the top of this post made me think of this:

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