Saturday, July 19, 2008

From The Basement

The homeboy Basement has updated his Muxtape. It's essentially just a more efficient less self stroking method of doing what I do here. Whatever, I smile in the mirror, I got my teeth fixed. But Bateman's blog kills it.

Like this:

Albeit without the witty repartee.

Can't blame Basement for not getting fully texted out. He's a certified geek and totally tech. A magazine told me that geeks are cool and the technical is actually the only clear objective perspective (historical take a SEAT), and I believe what I read.

When we worked together, I was a part of the "creative" team and Bateman reigned with the tech. We were joined only by a common server, pon which we trade dem blurrrclarrrt jams. Ya get me? His tech skills are so formidable, that a very educated Englishman, one of them Oxbridge type chaps once said "His programming is so ahead of its time, continuing to work in communications or media, honestly mate, the guy could change the world."


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Karaoke weekend at the suicide shack

Anonymous said...

now how about some community service? lazy summer days here at grillingit. retract that patio action bring back the satiofaction. what do you expect us to read? novels, newsprint, magazines, internet publications, short stories, poetry, the backs of cereal boxes? minds? jesus christ. write something.