Thursday, January 22, 2009

Bart The Bear

Anyone who checks in here - even monthly - will be aware the The Simpsons is our favourite. The editorial staff of Grilling It (one dude) is in the post-post-post phase of quoting the program as a means of conversation, good taste shakedowns and freaking out fakes.

The collected episodes of The Simpsons are the finest work of art and entertainment ever produced by human beings. I will debate in defense of that statement any time, any where, before or after a belt of scotch (regardless of time), and my brifcase is not filled with shredded newspaper.

I've people who were born in the 1990's argue with me, that in their opinion South Park is better than The Simpsons. Kids start with drugs way too young these days. They'll grow up.

Speaking of growing up, the frozen in fourth grade Bartdude has been put on T-Shirts by Mishka, a company that make streetwear worth paying ridiculous prices for. The fail to winner ratio for "making streetwear worth the price" is about the same as "hilarious animated half-hour show for everyone."

You can read the full history of Bootleg Black Bart's evolution at the Mishka Bloglin.

Since I want you to finish this first, here's a few images as a teaser:

Bin Laden Weed is my favourite Three 6 Mafia song too! I have been marketed to! Next thing you know I'll be skateboarding with some cool kids dressed like Blossom.

The Slate's assessment of The Simpsons.


Now I've gotta go dig up the bootleg Bart T-Shirt that I made in grade four.

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