Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"I hate leprekons lol"

In an ongoing effort to populate with people who aren't Dj's or politicos, I push upon thee:

Shaq's Twitter:

"I'm at the fashion sq mall, any1 touches me gets 2 tickets, tag me and say yur twit u hv 20 min"

"davidjacobs is the man,he just sent me a pic, I have tears of joy, I'm a kiss u david when I c u"

"I hate leprekons lol"

"To all twitterers , if u c me n public come say hi, we r not the same we r from twitteronia, we connect"

"I feel twitterers around me, r there any twitterers in 5 n diner wit me, say somethin"

"Im wit steve nash, hes the best, a hip hop scott skiles"

"La traffic sucks, aaaaaaaagh"
"Just saw the obama motorcade drive by wow"
"I showed my badge, they said go around, lol"
"Was stuk n traffic , obam is here"

"No naps 4 the diesel today, but im ready 2 play"


Anonymous said...

i'm so confused... is that real? i tried to join twitter to see what the hype was about.. so far i'm only following britney spears.
all i can think of when i see shaq is that movie in which he grants wishes to the kid.. shazam maybe? i remember it being an okay movie ...

BBQ said...

It's The_Real_Shaq

So real.

Like, Maymay 327 Real.