Wednesday, February 04, 2009

UMFM (U Might Find Me)

Our editor was netchatting with the Station Manager of UMFM Jared (because we're fucking famous!), and Jared made Grilling It aware of a fudning predicament. First, a few grafs about UMFM.

UMFM is the best radio station in Winnipeg. When I'm in Winnipeg it's where you might find me. In fact, it was where I got my start in radio, but more importantly than that: IT IS THE HOME OF EXCELLENT PROGRAMMING.

After all, you can't take all your music tips from blogs and sites named after farming implements. I could start a blog tomorrow called, but it's hard to beat an hour of fresh songs that are selected and delivered by volunteer (read, passionate) dj's.

In addition, they facilitate events and festivals in a city where people routinely claim: "There's fuck-all going on."

UMFM is severely underfunded and are asking for the support of Winnipeggers to help them in their plea for a chance to get that dough. The U of M is flush with cash, thanks to my and The Wiz's parking tickets during our undergradz.

Sidebar: The dude on the left in the photo above is Lil' Stevie Fletch who was president of the University when I schooled there. He gave me the brush re: parking fees and will forever be in my beef book. I don't care how many dying governments he is seated in the cabinet of. Charleswood/St. James/Assiniboia was Glen Murray's job. You will be found out someday Fletcher. Your charade will end.

There's more information at THE UMFM WEBSITE
Oh yeah, and don't forget to tune in to 101.5 FM, Monday's at 5PM CST for The Crumbs Show, featuring nonsense from yours truly, when I'm not working. They put the "You" in University Talk Improvised News Radio Comedy News.


Anonymous said...

I saw Steven Fletcher at Chamberlyn's the other day. Seeing as how he is my MP I was going to introduce myself and shake his hand, but when I saw his assistant feeding him I realized that he can't move his hands. So much for that idea.

Anonymous said...

Anon getting it in, salty as the raging sea. Nice.

Count it.