Thursday, March 19, 2009

Horse Of Babylon

"A wise man looks upon men as he does on horses; all their comparisons of title, wealth, and place, he consider but as harness."
Robert Cecil

This video's been around for weeks, and Rick Ross is in the news every day, getting dissed for doing drug raps and secretly having once worked as a jail guard.

This space has never been for those that consume the day something drops and leave it forever. We have the patience to let flashes in the pan turn into full blown hallucinations. It's called discerning taste. It is replete in the following video.

I present Rick Ross in a love song with big drums, for spring 2009:

Sure we are all feeling good. However, there is so much work to do. There is no difference between being led and being driven (to a horse).

FULLY FITTED - 100 Million

"A horse never runs so fast as when he has other horses to catch up and outpace."

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