Friday, March 20, 2009


Michael Ian Black Reviewed Charles Manson. Here's a clip:

"For forty years, Charles Manson has been America’s pre-eminent bogeyman, the guy we turned to when we got sick of Oprah and just wanted a lil’ Evil. And for all that time, he’s given us exactly what we asked for: eye rolling, finger wagging, head twitching, mouth frothing. For forty years, the guy couldn’t open his mouth without something creepy falling out.

He was the Cal Ripken Jr. of crazy.

Now though, he’s in his mid-seventies, long past the age when most nutjobs hang up their straitjackets, and it’s clear his heart just isn’t in it anymore."

Read the rest @ "Manson - Not Handsome"

Here's a video Michael Ian Black stole from, we're stealing it back...

By the way. I wouldn't know about this without the tip from: from @MichaelIanBlack.

"Manson" a film from The Ben Stiller Show

FYI, movie buffs, The Ben Stiller Show was co-created by Judd Apatow of "Freaks and Geeks" superfame and had "Scary Movie 2's" David Cross on the writing staff.

Here are a few folk songs by pre-rampage Charles Manson.

"Sick City" is a tight, strange, antsy, frustrated downtown folk burner. The point being that most people just watch TV and drink their beer, and that this pattern of behaviour is not positive. You can hear how much fun they're having. Silly hippies, a few bad trips down the road from mass murder. Plus when he sings "sick, sick, sick" it totally sounds like "6-6-6." You don't even need to play the mp3 backwards.


"Don't Do Anything Illegal" by Charles Manson with the title so ironic I laughed aloud. It expresses much dissatisfaction with always needing to have ID. On this issue I agree with Charlie.

CHARLES MANSON - Don't Do Anything Illegal

I was looking for photos of Dave Manson in a Jets jersey, they all sucked, but I found this. They cover LOTS of ice, if you need to defend hockey fights with the "Waltz Defense(c)" this would be good evidence.

Then I found a site that breaks down most of the major players in the history of hockey. In piss-poor, borderline embarassing fucking English.

Check it oooooooot.

Charles Manson would not be scared of Dave Manson, he might even say "Ok, you're a goon, but what's a goon to a GOBLIN.

In case any of you kids were thinking about murder as a career path, remember:

Breaking into HIS house and killing HER! That is so wrong. No matter how mad you get at the man, the sheep, the cops, the judge, the boss, the prof, the system, the jocks, the bus, the taxman, the gasman or the fast man...

Do not murder. Imagine how dope their kids would've been...

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