Friday, April 24, 2009

Festive Police Zap Wizard

I probably would've been watching a band, rushing to a stage, or in a beverage line instead of peeping some stripping wizard. Regardless...this video is far out. The dude yelling "Freedom of speech holmes" is missing the point that you can't really show a crowd of people your wedding tackle at a Hullabalooza with a thick police presence.

Still, I'm shocked (no pun intended-o) that the fuzzles would so gratuitously taze someone who was non-violent and didn't run away. In Vancouver, when they do that, the perp dies.

One schmohawk gawker starts yelling "The world is watching" as if that's going to un-tazer the nude mage. The thick neck Oakley jock cop is going to go: "Oh really, this will be on youtube? I just wanna give a shout out to all the boys at Precinct 518! Hi Mom, how's the lumbago? Honey, just put my stroganoff in the oven on low, I'll have it when I get this nude wizard that I just assaulted processed at the station..."

Take a look:

Naked Wizard Tased By Reality from Tracy Anderson on Vimeo.

The pan across the front row of staring, placid, festival goers was even creepier than the miniscule johnson on the spellcaster.


Wizards dispense electricity not receive it. In my world, they still do.

Awaiting a take from our resident Wizard in the comment section.

PUBLIC ENEMY - Long and Whining Road

A part of me cries out that a Ras Trent wizard like that was neglecting the haze of fog and smoke and the flowing garments in which Wizards are customarily found...for a reason...

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