Thursday, April 09, 2009

The Mingus CAT-alog

Bass legend Charles Mingus created a manual for the toilet training of cats. His cat was apparently named "Nightlife" which is an unassailably awesome name for a cat. Give it a read below, it has gold like this in it:

"When he jumps up he will not be afraid of the hole because he expects it. At this point you will realize that you have won. The most difficult part is over."

The Charles Mingus CAT-alog

If I had a cat I would name it Lance Dubowitz or maybe CC. I like naming pets after humans, and specifically after your buddies. The Wiz (bad name for a pet cause of pee) had a dog growing up named Howard, and Howard was one of his Dad's buddies. Everytime you go to your buddies place, the pet is named after you. You see how well this works, dear reader. Good clean fun for troubled times.

At 3:00 in the following video, Jeru rolls a Mingus sample beat by Primo down the hill and into the river.

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